Building a Thriving Workplace: Blueshirt Solutions Inc.’s Commitment to Employee Well-being and Success

Building a Thriving Workplace: Blueshirt Solutions Inc.’s Commitment to Employee Well-being and Success

“We have to practice what we preach,” says Vince Ducut, the Director of Operations of Blueshirt Solutions Inc. when asked how Blueshirt Solutions Inc. makes sure that their employees are content and holistically well-taken care of. 

Aligned with the goal of Blueshirt Solutions Inc., that is, to empower the Filipino blue-collar community, we ensure that we practice what we preach (via our platform) within the office too and here’s how we do exactly that:

1 We respect each other’s boundaries

In every relationship that we form with different individuals, there will always be invisible boundaries. These aforementioned boundaries, despite sometimes intangible, must be respected. 

At Blueshirt Solutions Inc., we are steadfast in respecting each other’s boundaries. We do this by directly and indirectly asking our co-workers whether or not they are comfortable about a forthcoming situation even before they are subject to it. 

Hazel Dela Cruz, a newly-hired and much valued Recruitment Marketing Associate of ours, briefly speaks about how her co-workers at Blueshirt Philippines welcomed her during her first few days: 

“Tinanong nila ‘ko, paunti-unti, tuwing lunch, about the things I’m comfortable with and the things that I’m not comfortable with. And they’ve always put my boundaries into consideration, which I appreciate. Like, I’m a pretty introverted person and they’ve been considerate about it insofar as they don’t make me feel bad tuwing nananahimik lang ako during lunch – stuff like that.” 

“Syempre kapag nafeefeel ng employees ng isang company na pinapahalagahan yung oras nila, nararamdaman nila na nirerespeto ng Blueshirt yung boundaries nila and, in the end, they feel valued as employees of Blueshirt,” explains Eunice David, the resident RPM and Recruitment Marketing Supervisor of Blueshirt Solutions Inc. 

Another example would be how we respect our co-worker’s personal time outside of work hours. Aside from respecting their boundaries in terms of their personal life outside work, doing is crucial for fostering a healthy work-life balance.  It helps prevent burnout and supports overall well-being, enabling employees to recharge and be more productive during their designated work hours. Additionally, it contributes to a positive and considerate work environment, promoting team morale and job satisfaction.

“Hindi naman sa lahat ng pagkakataon, isang tao lang yung masusunod dahil doon sila komportable – regardless of the position of an employee in the company. Most of the time, meeting halfway is the best decision when it comes to respecting your co-worker’s boundaries,” Vince Ducut says. 

Effective work boundaries might include delineating specific working hours, designating dedicated spaces for work, and setting realistic expectations for workload and deadlines. It also involves learning to say no when necessary and creating a distinction between work-related activities and personal time. Establishing and communicating these boundaries helps individuals manage stress, maintain focus, and foster a sustainable and fulfilling work life.

This might seem like a very small thing but in the long-run, the small effort that is put into making sure that we are acknowledging and actively respecting our co-worker’s established boundaries goes a long way. We establish better connections with the people that we work with, hence, we ultimately empower each other. 

2 We practice effective communication

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful workplace. It is the conduit through which ideas, information, and expectations flow, fostering collaboration and ensuring the smooth functioning of a team or organization. 

We, at Blueshirt Solutions Inc., foster effective communication among our employees through different frameworks. We hold regular team efficient meetings and open forums that create a space for transparent dialogue, ensuring everyone is heard. On top of physically speaking with each other, we also utilize digital messaging platforms – such as Google Chat and WhatsApp – for real-time updates, promoting quick information dissemination throughout our different departments. 

Open door policy

An open-door policy is highly important in work culture as it promotes transparency, communication, and a positive working environment. The essence of an open-door policy lies in the accessibility of leaders and managers to employees at all levels, signaling that communication channels are open and that concerns, feedback, or ideas are welcomed. Additionally, and transcending the notion of welcoming the concerns, feedback, or ideas of the employees, exercising an open door policy within one’s work environment fosters stronger leader- and manager-to-employee relations which, in the long-run, will largely contribute to the way a company will be able to assess and figure out any potential issues.

Recognizing types of meetings 

For a startup company it is important to schedule an open and non-linear framework.  We hold regular team meetings and open forums that create a space for transparent dialogue, ensuring everyone is heard. Everyone has a voice and can pitch in. 

However, we also understand that each one of us manages our tasks and schedule. Reason why we also have scheduled efficient meetings. This type of meeting is focused on collaboration, decision-making, and information dissemination. By emphasizing efficiency in meetings, organizations can streamline discussions, clarify objectives, and promptly address challenges. This not only enhances the overall effectiveness of the team but also minimizes the risk of time wastage. Moreover, efficient meetings contribute to a positive work culture by respecting participants’ time commitments, boosting morale, and promoting a sense of accomplishment. In essence, making sure meetings are conducted efficiently is not just a matter of time management; it is a strategic investment in organizational effectiveness and employee satisfaction.

Don’t kill your team’s working momentum 

On top of physically speaking with each other, we also utilize digital messaging platforms – such as Google Chat and WhatsApp – for real-time updates, promoting quick information dissemination throughout our different departments without really taking much of their time. This is highly critical and all companies should respect it. This allows us to be notified or updated without killing the work momentum of our team mates. 

Patience will always be a virtue

Sometimes, effectively communicating with your co-worker hinges on patience too. There may be medium- to high-stress moments in your workplace, say your team is scrambling to finish a task before a given deadline, wherein tensions may arise. With all the frustration that all of you may be feeling, it might become even more frustrating when a simple statement (from your perspective) cannot be understood by your co-worker. 

At times like this, remember to pause, breathe, and think of the best way to communicate what you want to say in a calm and collected manner

Without effective communication, tasks remain uncoordinated, goals become elusive, and workplace harmony is compromised. In essence, it underpins every facet of a thriving, functional, and harmonious workplace.

3 We encourage each other to learn something new everyday

In Blueshirt, we have a simple saying: we learn something new everyday.

Openness to learning fosters an environment where employees are encouraged to expand their skill sets and explore uncharted territory. This not only benefits the individual but also the company as a whole. By fostering a culture of curiosity and receptivity, Blueshirt Solutions promotes creative problem-solving, idea generation, and the ability to pivot in response to market changes.

Every day, we embrace the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, recognizing that our most valuable lessons often stem from mistakes and challenges. At Blueshirt, we acknowledge the diversity of our skill sets, understanding that continuous learning is an inherent part of our journey. Crucially, we emphasize a culture where making mistakes is not only accepted but viewed as a catalyst for rapid learning. This mindset alleviates the apprehension associated with decision-making, fostering confidence and bolstering our collective work esteem. In our dynamic environment, the focus is not solely on avoiding errors, but on swiftly learning from them, creating a culture of resilience and ongoing personal and professional growth.

Moreover, in a diverse workforce, an open attitude towards learning also allows for the sharing of ideas and skills, enhancing teamwork and collaboration. It drives employee engagement and job satisfaction, as individuals feel valued and empowered in their personal and professional growth.

That said, practicing openness to learning is thus pivotal for Blueshirt Solutions Inc., as well as other companies, as it underpins the company’s commitment to innovation, adaptability, and the well-being of its employees. 

Embracing continuous learning is not just a core value; it’s a key driver of success. 

So how does all of this apply to your company? 

Companies that prioritize respecting their employees’ boundaries, practicing effective communication, and remaining open to learning new things are poised to thrive in today’s dynamic business landscape. Respecting boundaries fosters a healthy work-life balance and bolsters employee well-being, leading to increased productivity and loyalty. Effective communication serves as the cornerstone of teamwork, ensuring clarity, alignment, and a harmonious workplace. 

Finally, a company that is open to learning new things remains adaptable and innovative, which is crucial for staying competitive and relevant in an ever-evolving world. Together, these three principles not only enhance the internal culture of an organization but also directly impact its external success, making them essential for any forward-thinking company aiming to achieve sustainable growth and long-term success.

Hael Herrera

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